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Erbschaftssteuer Thailand


Ein Mensch
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21 Oktober 2008
Weiss jemand wie hoch aktuell die Erbschaftssteuer in Thailand für nicht gesetzliche Erben ist ? 2015 wurde ein Gesetz verabschiedet, danach heisst es Freibetrag 100 MIO und dann 10% Erbschaftssteuer für nicht gesetzliche Erben. Für gesetzliche (Familienangehörige) 5%. Ist das jetzt noch so ??


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16 Juni 2022
Wien, Österreich
Ist nach wie vor so, PWC schreibt dazu am 04.02.2022

Inheritance tax​

A legacy received by an individual or a corporate entity, regardless of nationality, from a testator who has died is exempt from PIT under the Revenue Code but is subject to inheritance tax. Heirs are subject to the inheritance tax only on the value of a legacy that exceeds THB 100 million obtained from each testator together either once or on several occasions.

The inheritance tax rate is 10%, except in the case of heirs who are ascendants or descendants of the testator, where the rate is 5%. Legacies received by the spouse of a testator are exempt from the tax.

Property subject to the inheritance tax comprises immovable property, securities according to the law, bank deposit accounts or other money of a similar nature that the testators have the right to call back or claim from financial institutions or persons who hold such money, registered vehicles, and financial assets to be prescribed in royal decrees.

Quelle: Thailand - Individual - Other taxes

Nachtrag: Ehepartner sind von der Erbschaftssteuer ausgenommen

Legacies received by the spouse of a testator are exempt from the tax.
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