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Cosy Beach Club
Smurf Bar

Fussballmannschaft in Höhle eingeschlossen


Hat einen an der Klatsche

Hier die englische Übersetzung der Konservation.

Diver: Raise your hands.

Boy: Thank you [crying].

Diver: How many of you?

Boy: Thirteen.

Diver: Thirteen?

Boy: Yeah, yeah.

Diver: Brilliant.

Boy: [Voice difficult to be heard]

Diver: No, not today. Just two of us. We have to dive.

We are coming. It’s OK. Many people are coming. Many, many people. We are the first. Many people come.

Boy: What day?

Diver 1: Tomorrow.

Diver 2: No, no, no, what day is it?

Diver: Monday. OK, but one week ... uh, Monday. You have been here for 10 days. You are very strong.

Boy: [Speaking in Thai]: Who know English, translate for us.

Boy 2: [Speaking in Thai]: Can’t catch up with the words.

Diver: We’ll come.

Boy: We are hungry.

Diver: I know, I know. I understand. We’ll come.

Boy 1: [In Thai]: They will take our photos first.

Boy 2: [In Thai]: Tell them we are hungry.

Boy1: I’ve told them. They know.

Boy: What day you come to help me?

Diver: We come here, we have been diving here for what ... Tomorrow, we’ll help tomorrow. The Navy, Navy SEAL tomorrow. With the food, the doctor and ...

Today, a light? You have a light. We’ll give you more light.

[Sound of somebody falling into water]

Boy: Come up. Brother, rush up.

Diver: That looks fun.

Boy: I am very happy.

Diver: We are happy too.

Boy: Thank you so much.

Diver: OK

Boy: Where you come from?

Diver: England, UK.

First conversation between UK divers and stranded youths - The Nation


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21 April 2016
Bei der versuchten Rettung der in der Höhle eingeschlossenen Jugendlichen ist ein Taucher ums Leben gekommen. Der ehemalige Angehörige der thailändischen Spezialeinheit Navy Seals sei aufgrund von Sauerstoffmangel in der Höhle gestorben, teilten die Behörden am Freitag mit.

Demnach hatte der Mann versucht, Sauerstoffbehälter in der Höhle zu platzieren. Auf dem Rückweg verlor er das Bewusstsein. Es ist der erste tödliche Zwischenfall bei den bislang glimpflich verlaufenen Bemühungen um eine Bergung der Jugend-Fußballer und ihres Trainers.
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