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Cosy Beach Club
Smurf Bar

Gentlemen Club - Welche Erfahrungen habt ihr ?


ツ ǝʌıʇʞǝdsɹǝd ɹǝp ǝƃɐɹɟ ǝuıǝ sǝllɐ
25 Juli 2011
zu Hause
Scheint was grösseres zu werden

The new Gents Club is going to be our third branch of Maggie Mays, also over on the Darkside. This time at the far end of Soi Khao Talo by the strip of bars that includes the Bird Cage.

This is going to be a much larger project as we have to renovate a wooden spa with lots of land that will have a swimming pool built on it for pool parties. This much larger Maggie Mays venture should be ready in September 2024. See the video below to get an idea of the size and scope of the project.


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