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Motorrad Tour Epic 10 Days in Mae Hong Son, Thailand

Good morning Pattaya Forum friends.

Not one of my usual photo reports though, it would take ages to make one but here is the the most comprehensive Mae Hong Son Motorcycle Touring Guide - FEATURE LENGTH 97 minutes.

After so many years plying MHS routes we’ve finally created the video journal covering 10 days ride in Northern Thailand's prime motorcycle touring destination.

The road network, situated within complex mountain ranges and highlands of western part of Northern Thailand is a part of legendary "Mae Hong Son Loop". Beautiful natural and historic sites, diverse ethnic and cultural mix of various northern hill-tribes and peaceful communities epitomize the region.

The Route:

R105: Mae Ramat / Mae Sariang / Doi Puico - R108: Ban Na Hua Laem / Burma Border Crossing / Khun Yuam - R4001: Thung Bua Tong / Mae Surin Waterfall - Ban Meo Microwave - Pha Bong / Huay Pu Keng Longneck Village - Mae Hong Son - Sutong Pae Bridge - R4001: Pha Suea Waterfall / Pang Tong Palace / Pang Ung / Ban Rak Thai / Tambon Mok Cham Pae Burma Border - R1095: Pang Mapha / Tham Lot Cave / Pai Fah / Pai / Santichon Yunan Village - Pai WW2 Memorial Bridge - R1265

For those who want to see particular POI mentioned in this video here are the shortcuts:

00:00:01 - Intro
00:01:11 - Route 105
00:04:35 - Mae Sariang
00:06:50 - Doi Puico
00:10:35 - Mae Saring (morning)
00:12:56 - Route 108
00:17:20 - Route 3007 Towards Burma border
00:18:40 - Ban Na Hua Laem - Off Road Access Into Burma
00:23:45 - Khun Yuam
00:26:28 - Thai Japanese World War 2 Friendship Memorial
00:28:12 - Route 4001
00:31:52 - Mae Surin Waterfall
00:33:40 - Possibly Steepest Road Section in Thailand R4001
00:38:26 - Ban Meo Microwave
00:40:58 - Fern Resort
00:42:27 - Nam Piang Din - Burma Point Entry
00:43:50 - Huay Pu Keng Longneck Hilltribe Village
00:46:46 - GT Rider Memorial, Mae Hong Son
00:47:25 - Piya Gueshouse Mae Hong Son
00:47:50 - Mae Hong Son Town
00:49:40 - Sutong Pae Bridge
00:52:46 - Pha Suea Waterfall
00:54:40 - Pang Tong Palace & Royal Project
00:57:00 - Pang Ung Lake
01:03:04 - Pala Coffee Interview
01:05:55 - Ban Rak Thai
01:08:04 - Rak Thai Thai - Burma Border Checkpoint / Viewpoint
01:09:25 - Visiting Burmese Village Kong Mung Mong / Wedding
01:13:09 - Back to Ban Rak Thai
01:14:33 - Route 4009
01:16:10 - Route 1095
01:20:40 - Tham Lod Cave
01:27:10 - Pai Fah The Highest Viepoint in Mae Hong Son
01:29:24 - Pai Town
01:31:32 - Suntichon Ethnic Yunnanese Village
01:32:25 - Pai World War 2 Memorial Bridge
01:33:03 - Route 1265
01:35:35 - Mueang Paeng Geyser

And lastly decimal coordinates of POI's featuring in this video:

Route 105: 17.00357, 98.52540
Above The Sea Boutique House: 18.16157, 97.92935
Route 3004: 17.96548, 97.92846
Doi Puico Mountain: 18.00057, 98.00597
Route 3007: 18.82152, 97.92676
Ban Na Hua Laem / Dirt Track Burma Border Crossing: 18.88559, 97.73786
Mit Khun Yuam Hotel: 18.82503, 97.93400
Thai Japan Friendship Memorial: 18.83031, 97.93335
Route 4009: 18.82760, 98.03757
Thung Bua Tong: 18.89342, 98.08960
Mae Surin Waterfall: 18.94255, 98.07149
Route 4009: Northern End, Steepest Paved Road in Thailand: 18.99365, 98.04871
Ban Meo Microwave Road: 19.10205, 98.03431
Fern Resort: 19.25638, 97.99037
Pha Bong Burma Border Point: 19.22376, 97.86156
Huay Pu Keng Long Neck Village: 19.23507, 97.89387
Golden Triangle Rider Memorial Chedi: 19.29967, 97.95896
Piya Guesthouse: 19.29869, 97.96684
Sutong Pae Bridge: 19.388, 97.95162
Route 4001: 19.48405, 97.96093
Pha Suea Waterfall: 19.49082, 97.95756
Pang Tong Royal Palace: 19.50138, 97.94611
Pang Ung: 19.4999, 97.90562
Lee Wine Rak Thai Resort: 19.58532, 97.94248
Rak Thai Thailand Burma Border: 19.59475, 97.94774
1864 Corners Coffee Shop: 19.42429, 97.98072
Pang Mapha Viewpoint: 19.55810, 98.15227
Cave Lodge: 19.57248, 98.27967
Tham Lot Cave: 19.56864, 98.27969
Doi Giwlom Viewpoint: 19.44615, 98.31900
Pai Fah Viewpoint: 19.44281, 98.31854
Pai Village Resort: 19.35850, 98.44476
Santichon Ethnic Yunnanese Village: 19.37122, 98.40342
Pai WW2 Memorial Bridge: 19.29865, 98.46421
Route 1265: 19.285328, 98.483024
Mueang Paeng Geyser: 19.23034, 98.44289



Hat einen an der Klatsche
Fantastic Tour and Video.

I enjoyed it much. Gave me some ideas for my next trip. Unfortunately on 4 Weels because my daughter visit me.

By the way. There are some blink blink effects this video doesn't really need. But this is only my sight of this.