Dann hat der Klaus den Raimund abgelöst. Sind die Separees noch aktuell in der No Name bar?
Da war er schon immer, in den Thailandforen war er viel später.
His name is David Palmer AKA Davey. He and his wife Shelly were assassinated in their home around 2 to 3 AM. Davey and Richard Agnew are long time friends from Ireland and have shared a home is Josefaville 2 for nearly 6 years. Davey has functioned as a manager of Misty's (2004 to 2006) Cambodia and Golden Nile. He mostly handled the daily financial proceeds from Richard's bars, He was a very quiet unassuming man that had no KNOWN enemies. Lot's of speculation that it was a hit intended for Richard Agnew, a controversial owner of GN and Cambodia bars. The investigation has just begun so it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
hier nen bild von gestern .. mit 2 seiner ladys von der bar .. sehen auf den fotos nicht so prallo aus .. aber sind die besten von der bar!