dieses 10mill baht visum wurde 2008 eingefuehrt und laeuft nicht ueber boi sondern ueber immigration, es wird auf vielen webpages zitiert und die bedingungen dafuer stimmen ueberein.
das glaubst du doch selbst nicht, dass immigration alle infos auf deren webpage veroeffentlicht?
von den 10mill kannst du irgendeine summe in ein codo investieren und den rest entweder in government bonds oder auf ein bankkonto legen.
wenn ich mir dadurch das bloede melden alle drei monate erspare ist es mir das wert.
offenbar hat hier niemand dieses visum ansonsten gaebe es antworten auf meine fragen.
That requirement is for extensions of stay from Immigration as below under police order 777/2551 section 2.5. IM is short for "immigrant" as in non-immigrant (NON-IM).
http://www.norcham.com/attachments/019_Immigration New Policy 777-2551 English translation.pdf
B. In case of an investment of not less than 10 million baht.
(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM)
(2) Proof of money transfer to Thailand of not less than 10 million
(3) Proof of investment to purchase or rent for a period not less
than 3 years of unit in a condominium from an agency or
government agency concerned at a price of not less than 10
million baht.
(4) Proof of investment in the form of a fixed deposit of not less
than 10 million baht with a bank registered in Thailand with Thai
shareholders comprising more than 50% of its shareholders.
(5) Proof of investment to purchase government or state enterprise
bonds with a value of not less than 10 million baht or
(6) Proof of combined investments as set out in clauses (3),(4)
Or (5) having a total value of not less than 10 million baht.