Apparently the Thai Government have stopped people booking ASQ with small deposits. I tried to book a hotel in Pattaya that advertised a 5000 baht deposit, but when they sent me the email confirming availability, they wanted 30000 bahts minimum. I had stayed in ASQ in Pattaya in June when a 5000 baht deposit was acceptable but it looks like the rules have changed. Just something else to make our life more difficult!
No. 0302/16115
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the AQ Thailand Club and has the honour to inform the latter of the key criteria used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for considering Alternative Quarantine (AQ) reservation document in order to issue a Certificate of Entry (COE) for travellers entering Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic as follows -
1. The AQ reservation document must be a receipt or proof of payment for AQ reservation, specifying that the travellers have paid for all the expenses or have paid at least 1,000 US Dollar (or 30,000 Thai Baht) as a deposit;
2. In case of traveling as a family and having one AQ booking for the whole group as one booking, the 1,000 US Dollar (or 30,000 Thai Baht) deposit can be accepted for the whole booking;
3. The AQ reservation document shall include the following details;
3.1 Names of the travellers
3.2 Check-in date in Thailand
3.3 Period of stay for at least 14 days (or as required by the Ministry
of Public Health of Thailand)
3.4 Details of AQ package such as transportation from airport to AQ,
full board meals during the stay, medical expenses including three COVID-19 RT-PCR tests (or as required by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand).
Further detail is attached hereto for your perusal.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to the AQ Thailand Club the assurances of its high consideration.
The AQ Thailand Club, BANGKOK.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok
26 July B.E. 2564 (2021)