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Buergerkrieg in Thailand ? - Maj. Gen. Khattiya Sawasdipol droht offen


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2 Mai 2009
Seit 11 Jahren in Pattaya
Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol ist auch bekannt als General Sae Daeng.

We are at war with military: Khattiya

Suspended Army officer Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol announced Saturday that he is a leader of the red-shirt movement and is training the movement's fighters for fighting against the military.

He called a radio programme to say that he had not escaped into Malaysia but he went to Hat Yai on Thursday to train the red-shirt people there.

"We are now at war with the military and I appointed myself a leader of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship to fight for democracy and the red-shirt people accepted this," Khattiya said. He said he will return to Bangkok Saturday.

-- The Nation 2010-01-23
