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Smurf Bar
Cosy Beach Club



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Thread Starter
28 November 2008

durch einen Kontakt in DIA bin ich nach Bacolod (Phills) eingladen worden.
Ich bin noch unschlüssig...

War da schon jemand ?
Zumindest gibt es auch auch Bars, GoGos u.v.a.m. , sowie Girls, wie überall auf den Phills.

Aber sonst noch ?

Schreibt doch mal kurz, für Tipps wäre ich dankbar.

Mephisto, der zwar noch lange warten muss, aber jetzt schon träumt.


Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
17 Januar 2009
AW: Bacolod

ich kenne das nicht, aber was zum Saufen & Ficken wirste auch bekommen. Und wenn nicht - dann heirate die, die Dich eingeladen hat - so easy ;);)


The Boxing Kangaroo
6 Mai 2009
AW: Bacolod


- bacolod liegt auf der insel negros . diese insel ist unterteilt in negros oriental mit der hauptstdt DUMAGUETE und negros occidental mit der hauptstadt BACOLOD .

- die insel hat fuer den touristen nicht viel zu bieten und ist daher nicht sehr viel besucht von auslaendern . haupteinnahmen sind und waren der zucker . bacolod ist die zuckerhauptstadt der philippinen . mehr als die haelfte der flaeche der insel sind zuckerrohrplantagen . die insel selber gehoert ein paar sehr reichen familien die ueber generationen die arme landbevoelkerung richtig ausgebeutet haben . als der zuckerpreis mitte der 80 er jahre weltweilt im keller war gab es sogar eine hungersnot auf der insel . das land gehoehrte den baronen und haben es biss heute nicht mit den armen geteilt . :k

bocolod ist an sich keine schoene stadt . sie liegt auch nicht direckt am meer . die straende in der naehe sind alles nicht besonderes . in der stadt selber gibt es eine schoene plaza in der naehe der kathedrale . diese wurde noch von der spaniern angelegt und es werden dort immer einge kulturelle shows geboten .

in der nahe von bacolod gibt es die malbukal hot springs . diese werden immer von den filipinos toll angepreisen aber wenn du dann vor ort bist findest du nur ein vergammeltes resort wo es zwar heisse quellen gibt aber nirgends ein kaltes bier :dancing

extra einen ausflug dahin zu machen wuerde ich nicht mehr aber ganz interessant ist MA-AO . die zuckerrohrfelder liegen in einem tal gleich neben einem erloschenen vulkan . dort gibt es ein sehr umfangreiches eisenbahnnetz um den zuckerrohr zu den muehlen zu verfrachten . alte dampfloks soll es zwar noch geben aber werden wohl mittlerweile auch sehr selten sein . aber was die filipinos da so von abenteuerlichen geraeten selber bauen um da ueber die gleise zu fahren , einfach wahnsinn . auch geben die vielen bruecken und verladestationen gelegenheit zu schoenen fotos . :daume

erntezeit ist uebrigends zwischen oktober und mai ......

ich war 2x in bacolod und war in diesen beiden hotels : SUGARLAND HOTEL . preise kann ich mich nicht mehr erinnern aber ich weiss noch dass es in der naeheren umgebung einige toepfereien gab die sehr schoene produkte hergestellt haben . letztes mal in bacolod waren wir im L FISHER Hotel . de preise waren so um die 3000 pesos und die zimmer waren ganz ok . dieses hotel hat den vorteil dass du in der naehe des "nightlife "bist wo ich dir allerdings nicht bestaetigen kann dass es da gogos gibt . ich weiss nicht wo du diese infos her hast aber ich habe in der philippinischen provinz selten so was gesehen :p . discos am wochenede und ein casino gibt es schon aber sonst ist mit nachtleben eher nichts . und so wie billy sagt dass man immer was zum saufen und ficken findet kann ich so auch nicht bestaetigen . saufen ja aber das andere ....naja da hab ich so meine zweifel . du bist eben nicht in thailand wo jeder nachtportier dir was besorgen kann ....so krass ist das in der philippinischen provinz nicht .:baeh
- womit ich aber nicht sagen will dass es absolut zero ist aber eher fuer einheimische und da muss man schon ein bisschen ausgehungert sein um da was zu finden ...... aber jeder wie er will .:yc
kann ja sein dass es das mittlerweile gibt aber dann frage ich mich wer wohl die kundschaft ist ?? touristen gibt es keine, einige expats die mit ihren familien da leben, reiche filipinos fliegen nach manila und lassen bestimmt keine gringos an ihre weiber ran und die anderen ????????

naja wie auch immer ....nice trip and good hunting :bigg



Thread Starter
Thread Starter
28 November 2008
AW: Bacolod

Hi Skippy,

vielen Dank für deinen ausführlichen Bericht. Ich glaube ich werde es wie immer machen, ein paar Tage mal sehen was so läuft und dann eventuell wiederkommen.
Nach Berichten im Internet soll es schon einges geben...
mein "kontakt" aus DIA ist eine ältere Dame, mit der ich sehr nett chatte, sie ist eine Lehrerin, die auch viele Schülerinnen hat, die sie mir vorstellen will...
So langsam werden die Gespäche etwas "tiefer gehend" und ich sage ihr, das ich unter anderem an Girls instessiert bin, aber auch Kultur und Fotos, wie ch glaube ich in meinen Berichten klar gemacht habe.
Was mich darn reizt ist eben dieser Insideview, den man in AC glaube ich nicht bekommt, da geht es nur um ein Thema, auf Dauer etwas langweilig...

Hier zwei Berichte, die ich ganz interessant fand, der erste speziell für Bacolod, der zweite eher allgemein.

@Billy auch dir Danke, aber heiraten werde ich dort bestimmt nicht !

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]One practice around the Bars in Bacolod that is different from what you may be used to in AC or Manila - that the club or bar does not employ the girls. They are controlled by independent pimps or mamasans, of which there may be three or four or more, each with his or her own "string." Unlike in AC, when you sit down with a mamasan, she will steer you only to her own girls and try to tout you off the others. Best way to deal with this is if you see a girl who catches your eye, point her out to a waiter and ask him to steer you to the proper mama or papa, who will then call the girl to your table.[/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Besides the already mention Discos in Goldenfields the following places are found around the town. Keep in mind that a St is around P1200 and the LT are around P1500 - P2000.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Tanoshi KTV Bar in Goldenfields: Has a pretty good music show. Lots of girls and the atmosphere is great. The staff is friendly and accomodating. Girls are about 7.5 to 8 in the good looks dept.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But be careful of the Red Castle in Goldfields: LD: 400P; for a fellow like myself I found it hard to score here. I had to call in the "Support" to help me out: MR. Jefferson, Hotel Key and A ticket to Borocay". The girl who took the bait was from Oroquieta City in Mindanao. I had her for three days at Borocay under house arrest. Damn, I never had to work so hard to score a girl ever.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Downtown: The following places are good watering holes and lots of freelancers from Ilolo and from Bacalod itself. The atmosphere is great and the girls are "lookers".[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hotlegs Bar. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]On San Sebastian street: A music bar, The Dragon Star Bar, [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Macho, a disco, bar and massage place at the edge of Risol Street and Lacson [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Apple Disco Bar, corner Lacson Street / Galo Street [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jovies Disco Bar: corner Luzuriaga Street / Lacson Street [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ricos Disco Show, San Sebastian Street, between Lacson Street and Gatuslao Street. Great shows here. The Girls dance down to their bare minimun.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mega Bar, near the Cathedral, Nueva Street. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Spider Bar, Rikariodnabini Sreet.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Cheers .........[/FONT]

The Girls Are Found In:

1. Go-Go Bars: Go-Go bars are western type night clubs or bars mainly owned and run by western expatriates, and usually with a Filipina/o owner/partner for licensing and legal reasons. They usually feature bikini clad ladies dancing on a stage to popular music. In these bars you can by local or imported drinks for yourself at a lower price than the LD's. Ladies drinks are at a premium price which includes a commission for the girl - their main income. The bars are designed to meet westerners needs and comforts. You will rarely find locals - Filipino's in these bars, even thus they are welcome. As of late some Asians have been making their presence in this type of Venue. This type of venue are mostly found, for example, around Angeles City, Cebu or in the Manila Area.

2. Karaoke Clubs - KTV's: These are mainly designed to meet the Japanese, Asian and the Local clientele market, although westerners are welcome. They too have local and imported drinks for the customer, and ladies drinks. In some cases they may have a cover charge but that is rare in purely Karaoke bars. Some places have a consumable price when you enter the establishment. This means, for example, that for P3000 you can drink a bottle of your choice with the company of one or two girls - this is often known as Tabling the girl and is included with the price for a certain period of time. An evening in one of these establishment could run you from a low P5000 up to P10000 or higher.

Most have VIP rooms where you pay a premium to enter the room with the ladies of your choice in private. What goes own in that room is betwen you and your girl. Most girls who work in these places are known as GRO's - Guest Relations Officer. Singing is of course optional! Unlike in the Go-Go bars, the TG or Ladies Leaving Fee is not really appropriate here. Ladies are required to complete their shift, at which point they are then free to do as they please. These places are worthy to check out and you can make your own arrangements with the girls. A late meeting or a early next day meeting is often the result. Examples of these type of establishments are the KTV's found in Quezon City - Pegasus KTV, along Roxas Blvd, Cebu.

3. Videoke Bars: These are local Filipino styled and run bars. These are mostly found in the provinces or around the barangays in Manila and enjoy less westerner styled nightlife action. You'll be surprised that in the Provinces you will usually be far more welcome than in places like Angeles City. Nice to have a guide with you. A local taxi or hotel worker you may have befriended know where they are and is a good idea to have him tag along with you. These videokes will have GRO's within them. TG fee's are paid. Some will have a place on location where you can "rest a while" with your girl. Someof these establishments are found around Cubao - Cubaolandia.

4. Showgirls Bars: At times it is hard to figure if a certain bar is a "Showgirl" bar. They advertise themselves as being KTV bar with "Models". That is the real "key phrase" to look for - Models. Most, will charge you a door fee of around P200-P300 - more in Manila. Usually, your first drink is included with the entrance fee. Then normal local and imported drink prices are charged. Ladies drinks are available. Sometimes there are table charges to pay - If a girl comes over and join you at your table you will be charge for her coming to sit with you - it is a hourly rate charge. Also VIP rooms are found in these places as with the Karaoke Bars. Like at the KTV's the ladies are usually required to finish their shift and no TG is accepted. Use the VIP rooms! This type of establishments are found along Roxas Blvd - Miss Universal and East Asia are good examples.

5. Massage Parlors Just like anywhere else in the world. You'll find massage parlors all over the place and often advertised in telephone directories within Hotels. Some hotels will also offer "in house" massage service or have a massage establisment within the Premises. There are parlors of all types and price ranges: from cheap and seedy to the more up-market "Thai styled" fishbowl places. Extra's of course are always negotiated with the girl. You tip the girl for her extra service, usually P1500. The time varies in the majority of these establishments: from an hour to two hours. A good example is Flight168 on Ninoy Aquino Avenue near the Airport in Manila.

6. Escort Agencies More appropriate in Manila and again advertised largely in travel books and directories at Hotels. You can also look into the "Buy and Sell" magazine or newspapers sold in Manila. Most of the Girls advertised themselves and most are knockouts. The Agencies offer "classy" type Escorts and Models. This is really for those looking for up-market prices and is often not necessary - you can find the same quality of girls at a Go-Go Bar and for even less. You can expect to pay at least a minimun of P5000 and up for these girls. Some Professionals, TV, Radio, Movie or Magazine Models are available too thru an Agency or private Agent. They want to make some extra cash on the side. Some FHM Magazine girls are available thru an agent and the prices starts at $1,000+ USD.

7. Freelancers: In many areas you"ll find all night bars and disco type places that will be heavily populated with "freelancers". They usually approach you in these places, so they are not hard to find. Pros and non Pros abound the streets as well as your typical non whore girl. They can be found anywhere in the Philippines. In Ermita there is LA Cafe that has lots of Freelancers in the establishment and this is a 24/7 place. It can be hard to define a freelancer though. As you maybe just wandering around a mall, and get to chat to a girl... Next thing you know they are in your room. They are also found in the Malls. Usually sitting by a Starbucks or cruising the Mall.

8. Malls & Colleges:Another place to meet nice girl types and see if you can push for a "freelancer" type experience is the shopping malls in major Towns and Cities. The malls are a magnet for student types who have precious little else to do; other than a trip to the mall to treat themselves to a TGI Friday's or Jollybees. A good time to look for the college type girls is during the weekends when some of these malls put on live music and bands which draws them in. It is so easy to break the ice and chat with these girls. You just never know what will turn out from chatting with these girls. Please make sure that the girl is of legal age otherwise you will be taking a minor and you will be charge for rape and given a good jail sentence in a squalid cell in the Philippines. Freelancers frequent the Malls around noon time. Most are BG's on their day off or looking to make some cash before going to work later on that day. Some are not BG's. They will approach you by saying this "Want a gir?l" or "Want to have some fun?". Some of them have a mamasan who do the leg work for them. Nine times out of ten they'll find you. They are usually sitting down by one of the eating shops or Cruising around the Mall.

9. Store Employees:You go into any large mall and you will find stores like SM and within it they have all sorts of goods, clothes and perfumes counters. Each counter seems to have an abundance of salesgirls. It can be fun to flirt and chat with them. Remember, your in a third world country where half the available filipina's are just dying to meet a foreigner! Dates can be easily arranged in these malls with a salesgirl.

10. Hotels & Casinos When you check in to your hotel make a point of getting to know the hotel doorman or porter. Many can be a great source of information as to where the best bars and action is and can even help you find a lady for some companionship in your room. A small tip to the doorman/porter can and will work wonders. He will remember you as a good tipper and will always provide you with something better the next time. Make sure that what he is offering to you is of Legal age. Don't rely only on the ID's they can be easily fix and arrange by the girls themselves in Binondo. Also Hotels that have bars in the Lobby or a Nightclub will always have some freelancers at hand. You can also easily score with some non pros in such places.

Casinos is another place to find Freelancers. They will find you. Some have lost their money playing and are looking to compensate for the cash lost by playing. Some are there just to find a customer. The Casinos are found all over the Manila Area.

11. Casas:Casa's are all over the place. Of course finding them and more still finding the good ones is always the problem. I consider it more of an adventure and a challenge. For example, the best way is again through someone at the hotel who knows where to look or try a taxi driver - the taxi drivers may over charge you from time to time, but they can be man's best friend too when out searching for Casa's and to find new places to discover some nightlife action. I offer my best advice: is try using a hotel taxi service when you are unsure. These are registered with the hotel. This gives you some peace of mind in regards of safety and not being ripped off. The drivers get a cut from the Casas. The Casa's usually have a lounge area to view the girls and a mamasam or papasan is there. You decide and negotiate a price. They always want more than they will accept. But you have to bargain with them.

One special note: As of late they have been hiring underage girls in these type of places. I don't support such type of establishments. The reason for the hiring of underage girls is the constant demand of ceratin Asians - you know who you are - who want younger looking girls. The ID's of the girls are fix by the owners. They are also being - often - raided by the NBI and if you are in one of them you will be charge for requesting sex for money and if the girl is underage you will be charge as a Pedophile and you will be taken to Jail to serve a long sentence. When the NBI do this is because they have been investigating the place for a while. The girls will be questioned and birth certificates will be found with their real age.

The safest Casas that I know off are the ones near the LA Cafe area or by the Remedios Circle. Not all the Cabbies know the existance of them but there is quite a few that know the location to these Casas. The only Cabbie that I know that knows these places is Roberto Mercado. He is usually found around the Grand Boulevard Hotel or by the Bayview in front of the embassy.

12. Discos:Another great pick up opportunity is at any decent disco or nightclub offering live music. You will find a lot of freelancers in these places and some nice non whore girl who would love to go with you.

13. Jeepney Trade:In some smaller towns and provinces there is an area where at certain times of night a Jeepney comes around with mamasam and girls in tow. Here again you need advance knowledge from a hotel doorman /porter or trike driver. Most will know the areas for this type of street action in the provinces. You could be sitting outside some small cafe or bar and at 9pm along comes the Jeepney - every night, rain or shine they will deliver their wares. They move more frequently when they know that foreigners are in the area. Usually I have seen this happened on the towns near Bacolod.

Note:There are several major areas for entertainment in the city. Many more outside these areas but they tend to be of low quality, with uneven mixture of quality employees and facilities. My recomendation is to stick with the listings made by other members on this forum. They'd had proven to be safe and reliable and you are here to have fun, get laid - for cheap - go home with newly found memories, with the hope to return to the Philippines very soon.

The main area for most business travelers to stay is Makati. It is 20 minutes from the airport when the traffic is light. A word to the wise: DO NOT ARRIVE IN MANILA ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Between the hours of 5pm and 11pm, there is a weekly church service near the Airport route.

Tricks of the Trade:

First the Tricks of the places, in general all places, except in the Karaoke bars, will do this to better ot worse degrees so be forewarned in all places. This applies mostly to Manila, but it is used in other parts of the Philippines.

What to expect at the Bar: Once you enter the door to find your pleasure for the evening, you'll be met by the Mamasan. She will greet you and will try to sit you in a table, if you're alone she will try to sit you in a bench or hidden room near a secluded area of the bar with lots of empty seats. She will bring over some of the girls who will all sit around you and either explicitly ask for a drink or wait until the Mamasan tries to get you to buy them all drinks. If this happens to you look around the bar and the girls near you and decide if there is one that you are interested in, then get her to sit next to you and see if you hit it off with her. DO NOT BUY any drinks for a girl or girls until you find one to your liking and that you can hit it off with. DO NOT get suckered into buying any drink for more than one girl at the table.

If you walk into a place with lots of flesh that meets your requirements, and the Mamasan is hovering around you like a headless chicken, it pays to buy a drink to the Mamasan first and this will get you on the right foot with her. If you buy the Mamasan a drink she will generally be much less pushy on trying to pile lots of ladies drinks on you and she will pay attention to your preferences as it pertains as to what kind of girl you are looking for and what you expect in a girl and she will help you find the right one for you. Show her the appearance of one you like and tell her about the personality and the type of performance you expect/prefer, and she will recomend some to you.

Hitting it Off: You already had set your eyes on a cutie and by now have her sitting with you at a table, How do you now if she's going to hit it off with you? In General your instinct will let you know of that in about 5 minutes of talking to a girl. If she's quiet and not a talker then you can be sure you are wasting your time. She will sit there as long as she can get drinks (remember she makes money out of the drinks) but not interested in doing anything with you; if she does go with you you can bet she is not worth it.

As a general rule 65% of the girls are of good value and are a lot of fun to be with for dinner, after hours entertainment, dancing and to go out shopping. Some are just downers, try to spot those first and get out of wasting your time and accept the fact in case you spend any money on her in the bar and walk away and find yourself another one more appealing to your likings. This part of the hitting it off is a trial by error situation. In time you will be good at spotting the downers.

The Ladies Drinks: ALL the Go-Go bars have ladies drinks and these drinks are normally 2 to 3 times the price of a normal drink for you. The prices varies from bar to bar but expect prices to be in the P125 to P300. If you buy a girl a drink she will get a cut on the drink, normally 1/4 of the drink. This is their primary source of income for the girls and some of the bars. Bars that rely heavely on ladies drinks are always very pushy and you will quickly find your wallet drained. Remember you came here to find a girl to take back to your room, not to get a buzz back to your room. Also, a ladies drink price only applies for drinks for a lady that works in the bar. If you bring your own lady with you - which is allow and very common - your cost for a drink for your own escoted lady in the bar is the same as yours.

So here you have it a list of places where you can look for girls in this Disneyland for the Adult Male.

Mephisto, der noch etwas Zeit hat

Copyright by http://whorist.com/


The Boxing Kangaroo
6 Mai 2009
AW: Bacolod

@ mephisto

- hi ...ja wenn man das so liest wird bacolod wohl ein highlight des nachtlebens sein auf den philippinen .....bloss glauben tue ich das nicht ;)

- wann faehrst du denn dahin damit ich weiss ab wann wir mit einem bericht rechnen koennen ...:y

wie oben beschrieben musst du in der provinz auf "underage "aufpassen, speziell eben in den casas ( ladyhomes frueher in thailand ) und auf vermittlung durch zuhaelter wuerde ich auch verzichten ...obschon der " nutten home delivery service by jeepney " ist doch sehr originell :daume
Cosy Beach Club


Thread Starter
Thread Starter
28 November 2008
AW: Bacolod

Hi Skippy,

dauert noch, nicht vor Juni...
Aber ich plane lange im vorraus...lese und frage...



Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
29 August 2009
DE - Bayern
AW: Bacolod

@ Mephisto

Was genau ist DIA? Habs schon mal im Forum gelesen. Kannst du mir weitere Infos dazu geben? Vielen Dank!


Ungültige Emailadresse
AW: Bacolod

Hallo Mephisto

Mein Erstbeitrag und hoffe ich kann Dir ein bisschen helfen

War November/Dezember 2005 für 1 Nacht in Bacolod auf den Weg nach Sipalay.
Hatte bis dahin aber kaum Erfahrung im P6 Bereich.

Der Goldenfield Commercial Complex:

Im Jens Peters als vorrangig auf Essen,Trinken und Unterhaltung ausgerichtet beschrieben fragte ich eine Angestellte vom Hotel ob es dort für Touris OK ist.Sie antwortete: Komisch alle Männer wollen dort hin:bigg.Sie wusste natürlich genau warum,ich noch nicht.

Es läuft dort ganz anders ab als sonst.Deswegen kann ich den Englischen Beitrag nicht ganz nachvollziehen.

Und zwar so,dass die Mädels zu einem kommen.War mit einen Freund unterwegs und überall wo wir saßen um Bier zu trinken,stellte ein Pinoy uns Mädels vor.Das war sogar richtig lästig so dass wir dauernd umgezogen sind aber immer wieder wurden uns Mädels vorgestellt.

1. kamen die uns ziemlich jung vor,aber später stellte ein Expat klar die sind mindestens 18, und ja, 2.wir wollten eigentlich erst einmal in Ruhe Bier trinken.

Selbst als wir in einen kleinen offenen Restaurant saßen und dachten dort hätten wir Ruhe,stellte ein Kerl mir die Kellnerin am Tisch und meinte sie wäre nun meine Freundin.Ich war so perplex dass ich antwortete,nein sie wäre nicht meine Freundin.Sie gesellte sich dann etwas sauer zu meinen Freund der allerdings auch kein reges Interesse an ihr hatte.Aber der Kerl mochte mich wohl sehr,so dass ich 5 min später eine neue Freundin hatte.

Es war im allgemeinen nicht viel los ausser in einer Bowlingbahn und in der MO2 Bar mit guter Livemusik wo aber fast nur Filippninos waren.

Hatte mit Lyn,allerdings aus einer Bar, wunderschöne Tage in Sipalay,Dumaquete und auf Siqiuor.
Diese Freelancer Szene war schon aussergewöhnlich.


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